Teste pentru detectia infectiei parafungice pentru Fungus (1-3)-β-D-Glucan
(1-3) -β-D-Glucanul este componenta principala a peretelui celular al majoritatii fungilor, precum Candida spp., Aspergillus spp. si Fusarium spp. etc. si nu exista in bacterii, virusuri sau celule umane.
Kit-ul de testare (1-3) -β-D-glucan se bazeaza pe spectrofotometria pentru detectarea cantitativa a (1-3) -β-Dglucanului in serul uman. Acesta ofera o referinta de diagnostic pentru bolile fungice invazive.
Kitul este destinat numai pentru uz profesional.
1.Microplate reader detection at 405nm using kinetic chromogenic method: Matches with international standard.
2.High throughput and rapid detection: It takes only 40 minutes to complete diagnosis for 90 sets of samples.
3.Breakable microplate strips: Flexible and easy to use.
4.Samples with background color (such as jaundice, hemolysis etc.) have little effect on the diagnosis.
5.Small amount of patient sample needed: Only 20μl of serum for each test.
6.Safe and convenient experimental procedures: Reduces rate of contamination and workload.
Test Procedure
- Forma de prezentare: Ser
- Contine: 96 teste / kit
- Timp de detectare: 1 ora
- Detection Range: 37.5-600pg/mL
- Percent Recovery: 75%-125%
- Endotoxin Sheilding: 1.0 EU/mL
- Intra-assay CV: ≤10%
- Inter-assay CV: ≤12%
- Kit-ul poate fi depozitat timp de 12 luni la temperatura de 2-8℃.
High-Risk Population
- Neutroatient
- Bone marrow and solid organ transplantation
- Anti-tumor agent and immunosuppressant
- Non-neutropenic
- Long-term hormone therapy
- Long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics
- Intubation and other invasive treatments
- HIV infection
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- ICU inpatient
Catalogul de produse Dynamiker